St. Francis of Assisi Society

The St. Francis of Assisi statue is surrounded by flowers in the middle of the campus courtyard at Melbourne Central Catholic High School.

The St. Francis of Assisi Society recognizes the dedication and leadership of a special group of current MCC benefactors who have made contributions of $1,000 or more to the school during each fiscal year.

Alumni, parents, grandparents, friends, faculty, and staff who join The St. Francis of Assisi Society demonstrate their commitment to preserving a strong future for our students by supporting the school’s continued growth. 


St. Clare Circle $10,000 or more
St. Anthony Circle  $5,000 - $9,999
St. Elizabeth Circle $2,500 - $4,999
St. Bonaventure Circle  $1,000 - $2,499


Other Gift Societies
President’s Circle  $500 - $999
Green and Gold Circle  $250 - $499
Benefactors  Gifts to $249

Membership Benefits

  • Invitation to the annual St. Francis of Assisi Society Reception
  • Recognition in the school's Annual Report of Investors
  • Free admission to all athletic events
  • Free admission to all school performances
  • 10% discount at the Hustler Spirit Shop (School Store)
  • Periodic updates from the President throughout the year