Mission & Culture

MCC high school graduate gives speech at lectern during Baccalaureate Mass.


Rooted in the tradition of St. Francis of Assisi, Melbourne Central Catholic High School is a transformative, college preparatory high school that develops young men and women in an inclusive community to become servant leaders of our global society.

Committed to a nurturing approach to education and faith formation, MCC embraces a holistic approach to education characterized by Catholic values and infused with Franciscan charism.

• We embrace the core values of faith, moral integrity, academic excellence, mutual respect, self-discipline, and a commitment to service in order to achieve personal goals now and in the future.

We encourage leadership, active learning, critical thinking, and technological skills so that students can realize their full potential.

• We hold both faculty and students to the high standards of intellectual and moral development.

We focus on external factors that will enable us to improve our facilities and undertake new campus projects.

Following in the footsteps of St. Francis of Assisi

Rooted in the charism of St. Francis of Assisi, MCC educates students in an inclusive community to become servant leaders of our global society. We embrace Pope Francis’ words that the world’s youth are “the window through which the future enters” and we understand the importance of providing our students with a solid foundation on which they can build their future.

In the tradition of our Catholic faith and through the lens of St. Francis of Assisi, we believe:

Education is faith-filled.

St. Francis of Assisi understood the importance of developing a personal and communal relationship with God. MCC is dedicated to the faith formation and spiritual growth of each member of the community. Through worship, prayer, communal faith-sharing and spiritual direction, Melbourne Central Catholic provides the student with a strong, faith-filled foundation.

Education is transformative.

Melbourne Central Catholic understands the transformative call of the Gospel to follow Christ. We give students from varied backgrounds a transcendent horizon on which they are able to grow to their God-given potential and become builders of their own destiny. An MCC student learns to think autonomously, make moral and ethical decisions, develop genuine life-giving relationships, and become a transformative “instrument of peace” to the world.

Group of students seated in their desks on the first day of school.

Education is inclusive.

Melbourne Central Catholic understands that being a “Catholic” (Greek for “universal”) community means being all-embracing and inclusive. This concept guided St. Francis of Assisi’s ministry as he offered hospitality, companionship, and love to all that he met. MCC embraces diversity, with community members from different nations, denominations, and backgrounds. Like Francis, MCC provides an environment where all are welcome, and all may flourish.

Key Club members preparing oyster shells to help preserve our shores.

Education develops servant-leaders.

Melbourne Central Catholic understands that the call of discipleship is the invitation to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. Through his words and actions, Jesus reminded his disciples that He did not come to be served, but to serve all that He encountered (Mark 10:45). St. Francis of Assisi embodied this call, serving as a steward to both his fellow man and creation. Through this theological lens, MCC develops the student to become a servant-leader on campus and in the world. Embracing the virtues of humility and selflessness, an MCC student works to promote the other and create a world that reflects the goodness of God.